Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Is this a Southern thing?

This week is slower at Catholic Charities because we're not seeing as many clients- more just catching up on paperwork. This means I have time to blog!!

So I've noticed that almost all of my clients here have called me "ma'am." It's "yes ma'am," "no ma'am" and more often than not: "yes'm." I guess I'm not sure if it's because I am in a position of "importance" here or if it's a sign of the Southern charm. I just don't recall hearing or using the word "ma'am" after every sentence in Chicago. But then again, I've never been to a Catholic Charities office in Chicago so maybe if I were working there as a Caseworker, I would be treated the same and referred to as "ma'am."

Also, everyone drives here as if they were bearing a large, open fishtank on top of their cars- so slow!!! While I'm rushing around trying to deliver envelopes to the various offices across the city, people are taking their gosh dern time!! Haha.

I haven't spoken much Spanish yet. I had a client yesterday who only spoke Spanish but that was the first one I have had and I didn't do very well because I had to ask her some pretty detailed questions using obscure vocabulary words. Oh well, it's all good, she understood me at least!!

My housemates and I might be taking a trip to Austin for Labor Day weekend- not sure yet! Will keep y'all updated.

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