Saturday, February 5, 2011

Spread the word...snow is OKAY

Just a little update on how things are here in San Antonio. It seems the entire nation is experiencing less than clement weather and so it's exciting to be a part of history in the making. Here are today's topics:

1.) Not since 1985
2.) A new face for the After School Program
3.) I imagine you...
4.) Miss, I beat up the guy who shot my friend
5.) Peace Laureates
6.) It's fun to be at the Y...
7.) When I grow up...

1.) Not since 1985
According to sources close to the situation, it has not snowed in San Antonio in the last 25 years. Until yesterday. Amazing. But believable. I mean, I came here expecting to never use my winter jacket, so I can believe that it hasn't snowed here since 1985. However, San Antonio is apparently no stranger to cold weather. My housemate's uncle lives here so she has been visiting him for Christmas for the past few years and she said that she's had to wear her ski jacket before because it hits temperatures below freezing.

So...that brings me to my first question: Why do San Antonians seem so ill-prepared for this kind of weather? It's been in the 40s, 30s, 20s, and even 10s since Tuesday and I've seen children walking to school in shorts and t-shirts with a little sweater or light jacket on over it. Shorts and t-shirts!!?? It's baffles me to no end. What parents in their right minds would allow their children to walk around in literally freezing temperatures with clothes made for summer?? I know it was 70 degrees on Monday so maybe Tuesday caught them off-guard but for goodness sake. Did they not get the memo by Thursday? And my roommates from California are just as ill-prepared! One of them was out in flip-flops yesterday morning IN THE SNOW and the other one thought that she would be warm in a sleeveless blouse as long as she had a peacoat on over it. Are you kidding me?? I've been giving them a crash course in cold weather attire. It's called layering. It's called a hat. Gloves. A scarf. It would be hilarious if it weren't so frustrating. Cold weather is not a new concept, people!

My second question is: Why is the CITY of San Antonio so ill-prepared for this weather? Icy roads? Get the salt trucks out and fix that mess. My supervisor called and told me that all of Catholic Charities was closed yesterday because of icy road conditions and snow. Snow?? That white dust outside can't be classified as snow! Haha. But I DO understand that since snow comes so infrequently, there would be no reason to have salt trucks at the ready. It's just been so frustrating to have all businesses close down and events get cancelled. I woke up at 6:30am this morning to volunteer at a Citizenship Clinic. I drove all the way there only to find out that it had been cancelled. Then I went to a coffeeshop with my roommates but it was closed because the "pipes had frozen." Yeesh!

Sorry to rant. Today was in the 60s so I have no reason to be annoyed. Haha.

2.) Some new faces for the After School Program
So the After School Program (ASP) that I assist with every day from 3:30pm to 5pm struggled a bit without Natalie's direction. However, two new ASP coordinators have since been hired. And they aren't part of any program like Americorps or JVC so they will do whatever is necessary without any outside supervisor getting upset.

One of the new employees is named Sabrina and she is a bubbly college grad with tons of energy, artistic talent and creativity, and kindness. The other new ASP team member is James. I don't know how old he is but he looks to be in his late 20s. He's also very energetic, friendly, and cares greatly for this kids. I guess the difference between the new team and Natalie is that these guys are less about rules and boundaries and more about getting to know the kids and providing engaging, entertaining, and educational activities for them to participate in. Natalie was more concerned with structure- keeping the same schedule every week (Computer Lab on Mondays, Reading Day on Tuesdays, Movie Day on Fridays, etc.) and also with legal boundaries and licensing issues. For example, she had read somewhere that we are legally forbidden to touch the children in our program. Sabrina on the other hand will hug the kids and put her arm around them. And James and Sabrina do whatever occurs to them to do with the kids each day so the "structure philosophy" has flown out the window.

I think there is merit to both approaches and I wish I could see a hybrid of the two. I think the kids would benefit greatly from a structured schedule. However, the care and attention that Sabrina and James give to the kids has had such a strong impact on them ALREADY that I've started rethinking the distance that was created between the kids and the supervisors under Natalie's direction. The kids seem happier now and more excited to get involved with the activities that Sabrina and James provide for them. Granted, the children still go wild sometimes, but they ADORE Sabrina and don't mind listening to her as much because they find her to be so dang cool.

I like James and Sabrina as people. They're very friendly and open to listening to my ideas. Then when my boss told me on Thursday that she didn't want me working with the kids anymore (just because she wants me to focus solely on case management- not because I was failing at my ASP supervisor position), James and Sabrina became very upset and told me how much they appreciated my help and how they wouldn't be able to run the ASP without me. I was touched. And when James found out that I'm a vegetarian, he gave me information on the Vegetarian Society in San Antonio and typed up an 8 page report on what he knew about eating healthy and brought it in for me at work. He also brought me a bottle of Vitamin C tablets when I was sick and a book explaining the health benefits of Vitamin C in tablet form. I think having James and Sabrina in the office is a fantastic thing and I'm hoping that the positive difference they've made in the young kids' lives will continue.

3.) I imagine you...
A recent client of mine seemed to be a bit out of it. She had continual migraines that plagued her but I suspect there were other things going on upstairs as well. Anyway, I called her a few days ago to request more paperwork from her. She began talking about the cold weather. I had told her a few days before that (when she asked me where I was from) that Chicago was my hometown. The conversation then went like this:

Client: It's so cold here. I haven't been able to leave the house. Although, I guess you're used to this since you're from Chicago, huh?
Me: Yes.
Client: Ah, yes. I imagine you in Boulder, Colorado with your snow pants and boots on, walking around in the cold air. Like a college student. On a college campus. Outside in the cold. In your winter gear. In the cold.
Me: that right?
Client: Haha, oh yes. That's how I imagine you.

I was speechless.

4.) Miss, I beat up the guy who shot my friend
There are two 7th grade boys who come to the ASP every day without fail. Their names are Mario and Steven and their mission is to drive me insane. Whether it is by deliberately avoiding the sign-in sheet that they KNOW they have to sign when they come in, or playing too roughly with each other and other children, or sneaking off without signing out or telling me where they are going, or stealing donuts from our food pantry, or telling me that I look like a cartoon character that Sabrina drew on a posterboard- whatever it is, they live to drive me up a wall.

Well, on Thursday, they came in from the cold and as they entered, an 8th grade boy, Caleb was leaving. They ran over to me and frantically pointed to Caleb saying, "Miss! Miss! That's the guy who killed our friend!" I expressed disbelief but they proceeded to explain that Caleb had purchased a firearm a few days ago and then used it to shoot at and murder a friend of Mario and Steven's. Mario then informed me that he had taken it upon himself to avenge his friend and so he beat up Caleb. I didn't believe what Mario was saying but he and Steven continued to try and convince me that their story was true so I finally told them to stop talking about it.

I'm not sure if I should believe them. I found their story highly unlikely. Really? Caleb KILLED someone and then the next day waltzes into our ASP like nothing happened? Like he's not on the lam? But from the strength of Steven and Mario's conviction and the fact that they didn't end the story with a big "J/K," I have the notion that I might have to listen more carefully to what the kids say. Before Mario, Steven, and even Caleb had shown up that day, another kid had entered the ASP center with a badly bloodied nose and hands full of blood. So fights are not completely out of the ordinary... but murder? I just don't know...

5.) Peace Laureates
Patti and Rod, the choir directors of the 11am mass that I sing at every Sunday, were chosen as the Peace Laureates of San Antonio for the year 2010. I am so proud of them! They have done much to change the West Side of San Antonio and to end homelessness in all of San Antonio. Patti was actually on the political committee that came up with the idea for Haven for Hope (see former posts) and Rod has been responsible for creating affordable housing in many parts of the city. I think they deserve it fully. :)

6.) It's fun to be at the Y...
My roommates and I got a membership to one of the YMCAs in San Antonio. We each pay $4 a month and it's a BEAUTIFUL facility. Classes, machines, hot showers. I'm excited to make use of it.

7.) When I grow up...
A conversation between a 6 year old boy in the ASP and me:

Jaime: Miss, I wanna be what you are when I grow up.
Me: Oh really? That's fantastic, Jaime! Being a caseworker is a great job. You'll be able to help a lot of people.
Jaime: No, not that, miss! I mean I want to be a veterinarian like you said you were the other day!
Me: Oh, haha. Actually, Jaime, I'm a vegetarian, not a veterinarian. It means that I don't eat meat.
Jaime: Oh, well I don't eat meat either.
Me: Really? Wow.
Jaime: Yeah, I don't eat meat. I just eat food.
Me: So do you eat hamburgers? Or chicken?
Jaime: No. I mean, yes. But just not meat.
Me: Haha, alright. Well, I'm happy that you have plans for the future.

That's that for now! Last night was the Pub Run. Four JVs from Austin came to visit and we had a great time!! Happiness.

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