Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Work's fine, why do you ask?

So, I'd like to share some little stories from the workplace. Some funny, interesting, and even some less than pleasant things have happened and I feel like writing about them :)

1.) Pretty, witty, and gritty
2.) The dam broke
3.) He wants to kiss me...?
4.) Free gardening services!

1.) Pretty, witty, and gritty
The title of this section describes...me! So, we have yet another new person working with the volunteer program. His name is John and he is replacing the Mennonite volunteer, Daniel who used to work with Natalie and I. So, today I was eating lunch with John, James, and some other coworkers of mine, when my coworker Vidal walked over and decided to start some trouble. Vidal is known for stirring the pot, saying dumb things, and trying to evangelize people against their will. Earlier in the day, Vidal had informed me that I could find a husband if I attended his church. "There are several young, single men at my church who would be happy to marry you," he said.
So, when he walked up to the lunch table where I was having a great conversation with my coworkers about homelessness in San Antonio, Vidal stuck out his hand to John and introduced himself. Then after learning John's name, the conversation goes this way:

Vidal: So, John, have you met Laura?
John: Uh, yes... (he was talking to me, after all!)
Vidal: Well, she's single, just so you know. If you're interested. She's pretty, she's witty, she's uh...what else rhymes with "itty"?
Laura: Gritty? Yeah, John, I'm real gritty. Ha. Ha. Ha. Vidal, what is your preoccupation with trying to get me a boyfriend?
Vidal: I just don't want you to have to be alone. John, isn't she pretty? She should have a boyfriend. She's a great girl.
John: Uh, yeah.

I was mortified. Vidal apologized later for "putting me on the spot" but I was just bewildered by his bold display of stupidity.

2.) The dam broke
So, every day...and I mean EVERY day at work, I go on a mail run. I've described it before but what I haven't mentioned is that I have to take a van on the mail run that is kept in a garage. In order to get the car out of the garage, there cannot be any cars blocking the driveway. Duh. However, the employees of the department (Anti-Trafficking) next to the garage seem not to care about my need for a clear driveway and they park in front of the garages every once in awhile.
Well, they picked the wrong day to park in front of the garage a few days ago. I'm not sure why, but I was in a very aggressive mood. So, when I went to inform the owner of the vehicle that she was blocking my van, I did so in a somewhat rude manner. After she moved her car and I did my mail run, I came back and parked the van in the garage again. Then, filled with a rage that could scarcely be contained, I marched right up to the Anti-Trafficking department and told the girl who answered the door just what I felt.
"Excuse me, but I find it very disrespectful of your department to continuously park in front of a garage that houses a vehicle that I must use EVERY DAY for my mail run duties! I don't mean to come off as rude, but I just thought you should know how inconsiderate I find your actions to be."
Whoops. The girl who answered the door stared at me like a deer caught in the headlights. And then as you can imagine, my boss received an email two seconds later from the head of the Anti-Trafficking Department demanding an explanation for the rude outburst by "the mail run girl." Luckily, my boss didn't believe for one second that I had been even slightly unkind and told me just to leave that department alone and bring my concerns to her instead.
3.) He wants to kiss me...?
A client of mine informed me that once he received assistance on his light bill, he would come back to my office so he could give me a big kiss of gratitude.
Please don't!!
4.) Free gardening services!
James and John (my coworkers) are really into gardening and have offered to help start up a garden in the backyard of my house. I'm so excited!!

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